Joe Moshe is the Broker/Owner of Charles Rutenberg Realty Long Island, offering 100% commission to Agents. With over 1000 agents, it's one of the fastest growing, most progressive real estate brokerages on Long Island.
Joe Moshe is the Broker/Owner of Charles Rutenberg Realty Long Island, offering 100% commission to Agents. With over 1000 agents, it's one of the fastest growing, most progressive real estate brokerages on Long Island.
We’ve been nominated as “BEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY” in the Best of Long Island! Everyone can vote once per day, every day, from now until December 15. Click here to vote. Author Recent Posts Follow Me Read more…
For the past 11 years, Charles Rutenberg Realty, Inc., has been known for its mission of being an Agency for the Agent. In an effort to accomplish our goal of being the premier Real Estate Read more…
Pam and Joe Moshé are pleased to applaud Ruth F. Pfeffer, Vidyavrat “Satish” Chandra, Howell Silverman and William “Bill” Moseley for each of their respective appointments to leadership roles within the Long Island Board of Read more…