What if we told you are there are some simple things you can do that will earn you more money!
You may say that we’re crazy and that it takes much more money and grueling work to take your business to the next level than what we’ve suggested below.
Here’s a refreshing piece of reality, earning more money does NOT mean you have to work HARDER. It means you HAVE TO WORK HARDER. Top produing real estate agents have discovered ways to work more efficiently and by doing so have made more money.
The concept is simple…find ways to get more work done using less of your time, resources and money. Be creative! Think of what you can do.
If you need a few idesas to get you started, we’ve listed a few below.
- Get Up Earlier or Work Later. Find ways to put more time into your business that don’t interfere with other things you have going on. If you have down time, that would be a good place to start. Even if it’s just for an hour or two.
- Work the Leads. Spend time everyday capturing leads. It doesn’t need to be labor intesntisve. Trying starting with a website that is specificially designed to capture leads. Along with and integrated MLS search with detailed neighboord info.
- Follow-Up. People are not going to call u back all the time. Follow up with your leads and everyone else. Whether a phone call or an email campaign make sure you are reaching out to them. Even better if you website comes with a CRM.
- Networking is HUGE! Talking to people face-to-face a the best way to get quality referrals. Make a plan to get out there with the sole purpose of meeting new people and bulidng relationships.
- Hire an Assistant. According to NAR, the most productive agents hire assistants. Agents who hire assistants say they would not have been able to move o the next level if they didn’t do so. Assistants help efficiency and free up your time to perform more important tasks.
Go ahead! Try one. You will be happy with the results.
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